
Please help us keep the OPUS vision alive. Donate via Paypal (You don’t need to be a Paypal member to make a purchase, pay fees, or participate in donating) or download our Donation Form and mail it with your donation. A donation by check will permit OPUS to use its full value.

You can designate that your donation be applied to one of our special programs, or donate to OPUS for our general use.

Donate for OPUS General Use

OPUS Scholarship Fund: We have a number of scholarships available: Merit, Honor, and Outstanding Scholarship recipients have been evaluated and accepted solely based upon their music skills. The In-Need scholarships are for needs such as: a parent out of work, multiple applicants in the same family, special medical bills, emergencies, physical handicaps, etc. Please help us make the OPUS experience available to all students, especially those who do not have the financial resources to participate.

OPUS Specific Scholarship Fund: Choose an amount to donate to an OPUS scholarship and optionally name the recipient!

Name of Recipient (Optional)?
Disclose Donor Name (Y/N)?

OPUS is a 501(c)3 Charitable, Not-for-Profit Organization. Your donations and membership dues are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.