Executive Board of Directors
- President Emeritus: Linda Lin Yu (acting President)
Retired Senior Vice President, Fuel Tech, Inc., Research Associate-Manager, Ecolab-Nalco. B.S., Ph.D. Chem. Engineering/Chemistry. Mother and Grandmother.
- Vice President: Barbara Norris Coates
Professional Grant Writer. Mother.
- Secretary: Sonja Radovic
Musician and Teacher. Mother.
- Treasurer: Helena Cai
Professional Accountant. Mother.
- Director of Marketing and Strategies: Kevin Moriarity
Former software consultant, co-founder: Waterline Writers, writer / editor / book designer
- Director of Community Relations: Denise West
Formerly Director of Community Development, Benedictine U. Fundraising. Mother and Grandmother.
Organizing Board
- Ambassadors: Phyllis Anderson, Sandee Bernklau, John Brubaker, Kan Chou, Tonya Kessler, Alanna Mientus, Sonja Radovic
- Hospitality: OPUS Administrative Assistant, Parent Volunteers
- Fundraisers / Donations & Community Outreach: Julie Berkowicz, Barbara Norris Coates, John Schlaman, William Small, Jr., Denise West
- Editor-in-Chief: Kevin Moriarity
- Strategic Planning: Karen Do, Barbara Norris Coates
- e-Newsletter Issuance & Technology / Website: Preeti Kulkarni and Kevin Moriarity
- Social Media: Drew O’Neill (Coordinator), Jayanthi Sunderarajan, Sundararajan Venugopalan, Kevin Moriarity
- Photography: Kan Chou
- Music Director: Mara Gallagher
- Piano Coordinator: Dr. Stephanie Wu
- Artists-in-Residence / Orion Ensemble Representatives: Kathy Pirtle, Florentina Ramniceanu
Past OPUS Presidents
- Dr. Linda Lin Yu, Founding President (1999-2001) and President Emeritus
- Kathy Macko, 2001-2002; Isabella Dudreck, 2002-2004; Yvonne Fawell, 2004-2006; Laurel Holden, 2007-2009; Soo Chang, 2010-2013; David Walden, 2013-2015; Audrone Meiliulyte, 2016-2017.