
The teacher to students ratio is very high (1 to 2 to 1 to 4) and the group sees multiple coaches, enabling each child to receive individually-attended and versatile instruction. In chamber music, an ensemble of typically 2 to 6 players is coached by one to three coaches. OPUS uses a unique “Matrix-Coaching” format where an ensemble is coached by coaches specializing in each of the instruments of that ensemble, one coach at a time in rotations; and OPUS assures consistency by logs and multiple-coach sessions. Hence, student to coach ratios range from more than one coach per student to one coach per three or four students.

OPUS encourages all people, regardless of race/ethnicity, gender, age, and disability to participate as students, teaching assistants, and faculty, and by presenting high-quality music to underserved audiences in the community including but not limited to senior citizens, veterans, and other underrepresented populations. The camp is popular and joyful, attracting many of same enthusiastic students year after year.