Music News

Paraguay’s LANDFILHarmonic — Recycle Orchestra

CBS 60 Minutes aired a story about Paraguay’s “Recycle Orchestra”

  • “Ultimately, Music will triumph everywhere and anywhere.”
  • “You will be amazed what else is made of this trash. Violins are made from concentrates; cellos from oil cans, …. these instruments are not worth a dime.”
  • “I always wanted to be a musician, or play an instrument. Actually, I wanted to be a singer. Sometimes our dreams do come true, maybe not in our lives, but people we love very much.” said the grandma.
  • “When I play the violin, I am transported to a beautiful place which is completely different than where I am now, it has clear skies, open fields, and lots of green. It’s clean, and no trash, and no contamination.  It’s just my violin and me alone.” said the 1st violinist.
  • “These values are completely different than those from the gangs. These kids are absolutely love the orchestra, and hate to be a part of the gang.”
  • “People used to called us trash pickers; and today, they are more civilized, they call us “recyclers”.”
  • “Send us your garbage, and we’ll send it back to you, as music.”
  • “You could make music with trash.”

View the broadcast here.